The “in-house series” events offer diverse opportunities to engage and connect with fellow community members, thinkers, artists, and activists through the medium of film, music, poetry, art, books, performance, and more. Each series (listed below) has a designated time and space that we encourage you to add to your calendars for your participation is vital to enhancing and heightening the ongoing discussions.

A.C.T.O.R. (A Continuing Talk on Race)
is an open discussion series that provides the opportunity for people to come together and speak honestly and openly about issues relating to race. The intent is for each person to walk away from the discussion feeling something: challenged, educated, uncomfortable, enlightened, refreshed, reassured, hopeful, inspired and moved to action! Each month there is a new topic with our Events Director Pamela Pinnock as facilitator.
Where & When: 14th & V, 1st Sunday of the month, 5pm-7pm
Admission: Free and Open to All
Contact: Pamela Pinnock at

Book Club
Do you enjoy relaxing and opening the imagination with a good read? Launched in February 2011, Busboys and Poets presents a monthly Book Club for lively and thought-provoking discussions with a wide array of books surrounding social conscience and artistic sensibilities. Selected books can be purchased on-site at the Global Exchange Fair Trade store at Shirlington. Be sure to email us (see below) to be added to the Book Club email list!
Where & When: Shirlington, Second Saturdays of every month, 9-11am
Admission: Free and Open to All
Contact: Melissa DePaulis

First Fridays: A Local Arts Exploration is a monthly series, which includes artist talks, local studio visits and more! Mixing up the First Friday Gallery Walks popular to many U.S. cities, whereby arts venues all open their doors at the same time, Busboys’ “First Fridays” will combine a reception, artist talks and the unique opportunity to meet other local artists, as well as see their work in the surrounding areas. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Where & When: Hyattsville, 1st Friday of every month, 5:30-7pm
Admission: Free with complimentary light hors d’oeuvres

“LIVE! from Busboys” is an open mic talent showcase held at Busboys and Poets that offers a platform for all performers – not just poets! Whether you are a musician, comedian, dancer, actor/actress, magician or any other type of performer, we want to see what you’ve got! So, come out and showcase your talent!
Where & When: 14th & V, 1st Friday of every month, 11pm-1am
Shirlington, Last Friday of every month, 10pm-Midnight
Hyattsville, 3rd Friday of every month, 10pm-Midnight
Admission: $5 (tickets can be purchased online. Cash only accepted for door sales)

Peace Café
is a Busboys and Poets program that offers an on-going series of events designed to bring together Arabs, Jews, and those interested in working toward a resolution to the conflict in the Middle East. The focus is on encouraging individuals from various backgrounds to share food and conversation. Founded by Andy Shallal, Ari Roth and Mimi Conway.
Where & When: Varies
Admission: Free and Open to All
Contact: Andy Shallal

Busboys and Poets Poetry
Busboys and Poets is proud to be a venue that provides space and support for poets and spoken word performers to showcase their work through its Busboys and Poetry programming. From the cozy atmosphere of the “Sunday Kind of Love” poetry series to the high intensity of Tuesday Night Open Mic Poetry at 14th & V, we are sure you will find a Busboys and Poetry event that will leave you inspired and wanting to come back for more!
Poetry Programs: Weekly Open Mic, Nine on the Ninth, 11th Hour Poetry Slam, *Sparkle*, Sunday Kind of Love, ASL, Youth Open Mic

Rise + Rhyme is a weekly Busboys and Poets series for local stay-at-home parents and early rising families of all kinds! Featuring performances and stories for children ages 5 and under.
Where & When: Hyattsville, Every Monday, 9:30-11AM
Admission: $5 suggested donation


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Palestine Week 2024

January 18, 2024 – January 25, 2024 In keeping with our ongoing mission of uplifting racial and cultural connections, Busboys and Poets is hosting Palestine Week (January 18 through January 25, 2024). This week-long series of events will offer a diverse range of programming featuring Palestinian food, music, dance, poetry, discussions, and other enriching events. … Continued

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For Langston Hughes on His 123 Birthday

Speech given on February 1, 2024 in Havana, Cuba In 1927 Langston Hughes walked into a Cuba amid an emerging community of artists, intellectuals, and radicals.  He saw a “sunrise in a new land [– a day – in his words]sic – full of brownskin surprises, and hitherto unknown contacts in a world of color.”  … Continued