SOLIDARITY IS THE POLITICAL VERSION OF LOVE | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

SOLIDARITY IS THE POLITICAL VERSION OF LOVE | A Busboys and Poets Books Presentation

Date and Time

Sep 11, 2024 6:30 pm



625 Monroe St NE, Washington, District of Columbia, 20017

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What does the politics of solidarity look like in practice, and how can left-wing organizations grow-in numbers and power--while remaining accountable to the broader movements of which they are a part?

Against enormous odds and in the face of fierce pushback, the Palestine solidarity movement has succeeded in transforming the landscape of American politics. The movement has catapulted Palestine from being an untouchable topic in even liberal political circles to a central rallying cry in grassroots progressive organizing, one that is championed by some of the highest profile and beloved members of Congress.

In the fall and winter of 2023, with the attention of the world focused on Israel's unprecedented aggression against the people of Gaza, millions across the globe mobilized in solidarity with Palestinians and their struggle for liberation. Jewish progressives in the US played a highly visible role in denouncing Israel's actions and US complicity in them: leading mobilizations and disruptions from the US Capitol to Grand Central Station.

In this book, two key leaders and former staff of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) --Rebecca Vilkomerson and Rabbi Alissa Wise--focus on the important role of anti-Zionist Jewish organizing within the broader Palestine solidarity movement, reflecting on their decade of leadership of JVP and drawing lessons especially relevant to those organizing from a position of solidarity.

Against the backdrop of rapid and often devastating political developments, they explore how JVP grew larger as the organization shifted to the left and helped to alter the public narrative about Palestinian liberation, while also navigating the tensions of organization-building and creating a space for Judaism liberated from Zionism. Their insights help contextualize the intense suppression of activism for Palestinian freedom, while illuminating the roots of today's flourishing Jewish solidarity with Palestinians worldwide.

In addressing their shortcomings and failures no less than their inspiring successes, Vilkomerson and Wise deliver an account of JVP's organizing during the 2010s that offers crucial strategic lessons for anyone engaging in the collective work of building organizations and fighting for justice as our movements evolve over time.

Co-authors Rebecca Vilkomerson and Rabbi Alissa Wise are joining us on the Busboys stage to share more about how left-wing organizations can grow-in numbers and power while remaining accountable to the broader movements of which they are a part. Copies of the book will be available for purchase during and after the event, and the authors will be signing following the program.

This event is free and open to all. Our program begins at 6:30 pm, and will be followed by an audience Q&A. Copies of SOLIDARITY IS THE POLITICAL VERSION OF LOVE will be available for purchase before and after the event. Please note that this event is in person and will not be livestreamed.

We ask that guests RSVP in order to receive direct updates about the event from Busboys and Poets Books

Rebecca Vilkomerson and Rabbi Alissa Wise are the co-authors of Solidarity is the Political Version of Love: Lessons from Jewish Anti-Zionist Organizing available from Haymarket in September 2024. They were both staff leaders of Jewish Voice for Peace from 2010-2020 and continue to work for Palestinian liberation through Rebecca’s work with Funding Freedom and Alissa’s with Rabbis for Ceasefire.

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