UPDATE: March 25, 2020

We have made the difficult decision to close our Brookland and Takoma locations. Delivery and pick up are currently available from all other locations from 11AM – 9 PM daily via order.busboysandpoets.com

UPDATE: March 17, 2020

All DC and MD locations are offering carryout and delivery services from 11 AM – 9 PM with a limited menu. No dine-in service is available.

The Shirlington location will continue to seat customers using the social distancing policy until 9 PM tonight. Shirlington will move to carryout and delivery only from 11 AM – 9 PM beginning 3/18/20.

UPDATE March 16, 2020


Dear Tribe,

We’re all dealing with the uncertainty around coronavirus (COVID-19).

We recognize the importance of our increased commitment to be proactive and preventive in our decisions here and now.  Part of this is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation and continually taking immediate steps as advised by the CDC to support keeping our restaurants safe and clean for our Tribe.

As of today, there are no changes to our regular services. However, we ask for everyone who comes to Busboys and Poets to:

We want you to know that your health and safety is our utmost concern. We will be providing updates as things develop but we wanted to provide more detail on the prevantive measures we have undertook so far:

• ENHANCED CLEANING PROTOCOLS. We have increased the frequency of cleaning service in every area of the stores, including the bookstores, event spaces, microphones, kitchens, tables, doors, handrails and restrooms. 

PAID SICK LEAVE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. We are proud to have been at the forefront of this movement in Washington DC.

 • ADDITIONAL ANTIBACTERIAL PRODUCTS. We have increased the quantity of sanitizers and disinfectant wipes available for customers and Tribe members. 

PAPERLESS MENUS are now available via a QR Code at our host stands. This feature allows guests to experience our menu without the spread of potential health hazards through paper menu contact.

SOCIAL DISTANCING. Reducing ticket quantities for our in-house events in order to allow more room for social distancing. 

STRATEGIC SEATING.  Our approach is two-fold: Opening the private event spaces for teleworkers and putting a 6’ distance between dining tables.  All bar seating is removed per the directive of DC Government.

GLOVES. All bartenders and servers will now be required to wear gloves. 

WE’LL COME TO YOU. Whether you prefer to stay in the house or have a planning meeting at the office, order online for pickup, or delivery: order.busboysandpoets.com. Individually packaged “Grab & Go” lunchboxes available for a limited time!

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For Langston Hughes on His 123 Birthday

Speech given on February 1, 2024 in Havana, Cuba In 1927 Langston Hughes walked into a Cuba amid an emerging community of artists, intellectuals, and radicals.  He saw a “sunrise in a new land [– a day – in his words]sic – full of brownskin surprises, and hitherto unknown contacts in a world of color.”  … Continued

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Palestine Week 2024

January 18, 2024 – January 25, 2024 In keeping with our ongoing mission of uplifting racial and cultural connections, Busboys and Poets is hosting Palestine Week (January 18 through January 25, 2024). This week-long series of events will offer a diverse range of programming featuring Palestinian food, music, dance, poetry, discussions, and other enriching events. … Continued


Xmas Eve Service at New Beginnings

Every Christmas Eve Busboys and Poets gathers a group of volunteers to go to New Beginnings Juvenile Detention Center to prepare and serve a special meal for youth serving time. A way of giving to our young people who may struggle particularly around the holiday season. Big thanks to all our volunteers! New Beginnings is … Continued

Best Gluten-Free Menu!

Best Gluten-Free Menu!

Sending BIG LOVE to all of our beautiful guests, friends and family who voted for us in Washington City Paper’s Best of DC 2015 poll