Due to the upcoming vaccination/testing requirements, we are re-posting the Busboys and Poets Safety Protocol:

“The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented moment in history and has impacted the hospitality industry unlike anything else we have experienced before.  This manual is an introduction to how Busboys and Poets plans to get in front of the situation, stay ahead of the curve and come out on the other side together as one with our values intact.  We will revisit our best practices every day with the ever shifting terrain as we want to provide the strictest safety protocols possible to ensure everyone remains safe.”

                                                                                                 Andy Shallal, Founder

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For Langston Hughes on His 123 Birthday

Speech given on February 1, 2024 in Havana, Cuba In 1927 Langston Hughes walked into a Cuba amid an emerging community of artists, intellectuals, and radicals.  He saw a “sunrise in a new land [– a day – in his words]sic – full of brownskin surprises, and hitherto unknown contacts in a world of color.”  … Continued

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Palestine Week 2024

January 18, 2024 – January 25, 2024 In keeping with our ongoing mission of uplifting racial and cultural connections, Busboys and Poets is hosting Palestine Week (January 18 through January 25, 2024). This week-long series of events will offer a diverse range of programming featuring Palestinian food, music, dance, poetry, discussions, and other enriching events. … Continued

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Everest Base Camp #16

Holy tea on top of the mountain I am awake and somewhat refreshed and ready to take on today’s challenge. Big climbs don’t stress me out. Not anymore. I have a new menace. Lack of oxygen. Today this menace will be tested. On the way to Dengboche. At 14,500 feet. I am sitting with Dawa … Continued


Happy New Year

2020 has been a year. Take time to say ✌︎ Peace Out 2020 ✌︎ and celebrate the New Year with those dear to you. Safely ring in 2021 at home with your loved ones and Busboys and Poets! Thursday, December 31, 2020 – New Year’s Eve For a limited time, order a party platter of Busboys and Poets Signature … Continued

Valentine’s Day Picks with Busboys and Poets Books

Valentine’s Day Picks with Busboys and Poets Books

Whether you are spending this Valentine’s day with that special someone or curled up with a wine bottle alone on a reading binge, there is a book for you. Here is a quick overview of the best books to get for the 14th, because the best Valentine usually comes in the form of a hardcover … Continued

The Impact: Mass Incarceration

The Impact: Mass Incarceration

The Impact of Mass Incarceration is the first of “The Impact” series hosted by Busboys and Poets Books.  Our weeklong program delves into the impact of mass incarceration and will address the inequities of the criminal legal system. The series will explore The Impact on victims, their communities, their families, and the lack of resources … Continued