Changing the Marijuana Laws With Colorado and Washington state legalizing marijuana, 2014 has been an important year for the reform of marijuana laws in the United States.  Last month, the DC Council passed one of the most progressive laws in the US concerning the decriminalization of marijuana.  Soon, District residents will not have to fear going to jail for possessing small amounts of marijuana, instead being caught with marijuana will result in a $25 fine, akin to a traffic ticket. 

But where will the marijuana come from?  Why not fully legalize it?  Currently, most of the cannabis comes from outside Washington, DC, and until the DC Council passes a “tax & regulate” law — similar to what was passed in Colorado and Washington state — District residents are in limbo. 

In order to rectify this, the DC Cannabis Campaign (online at submitted legislation in January that will soon become voter initiative #71, which will allow District residents to grow their own marijuana at home.  Residents won’t be allowed to sell their marijuana to others, but they’ll be guaranteed the right to cultivate and consume cannabis in the privacy and safety of their homes.  The DC Cannabis Campaign will need to collect nearly 25,000 signatures from registered DC voters in order to put the initiative on November’s general election ballot.  If you are interested in helping the campaign, please send an email to 

Tonight, the DC Cannabis Campaign is joining with the Maryland and Virginia chapters of NORML to give out awards to those who have helped change the marijuana laws in the “DMV.”  We hope you will join us!

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For Langston Hughes on His 123 Birthday

Speech given on February 1, 2024 in Havana, Cuba In 1927 Langston Hughes walked into a Cuba amid an emerging community of artists, intellectuals, and radicals.  He saw a “sunrise in a new land [– a day – in his words]sic – full of brownskin surprises, and hitherto unknown contacts in a world of color.”  … Continued

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Palestine Week 2024

January 18, 2024 – January 25, 2024 In keeping with our ongoing mission of uplifting racial and cultural connections, Busboys and Poets is hosting Palestine Week (January 18 through January 25, 2024). This week-long series of events will offer a diverse range of programming featuring Palestinian food, music, dance, poetry, discussions, and other enriching events. … Continued


Happy New Year

2020 has been a year. Take time to say ✌︎ Peace Out 2020 ✌︎ and celebrate the New Year with those dear to you. Safely ring in 2021 at home with your loved ones and Busboys and Poets! Thursday, December 31, 2020 – New Year’s Eve For a limited time, order a party platter of Busboys and Poets Signature … Continued

Busboys and Poets Book Review: An American Sickness

Busboys and Poets Book Review: An American Sickness

We’ve all been in that situation, or know someone who has. You find yourself for whatever reason in need of medical attention: a surgery, an exam, etc. And after you leave, you receive the bill. But the bill is far larger than you anticipated and you have no idea why. Elizabeth Rosenthal knows why. An … Continued

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Everest Base Camp #7

Viva la lucha! Not today. Not yet. Waking up at 2 am is never a good idea no matter where you’re going. But alas here I am sitting on the edge of my king size bed, having used every inch of it throughout the night, contemplating what’s ahead. Last night, room service hit the spot. … Continued